For over 20 years, we have seen the various methods used to control weeds; hand pulling, harvesting, jet removal (pressure washing), and fish stocking to name a few. We do not agree or disagree with any of these methods. However, we have found that year round chemical application every month is what has produced the best results for us. We will not discuss the controversy over the use of chemicals. If chemical use is not for you, there are other companies out there for you.

Our approach is to apply an initial treatment (if necessary) to bring the unwanted vegetation to a state where it can be managed. This treatment will not eradicate the vegetation permanently, as there is no chemical or physical treatment that will clear an area permanently. Something will always grow back, “life always finds a way”. Following the initial treatment, the least expensive option would be to leave that vegetation to decompose naturally. In an area that has excessive vegetation, we explain that this will be unsightly for some time, but this is usually what customers sign up for because of the low cost. Most homeowners end up calling back to have it cut down, and we can come back and cut it down to the water level and haul it away. We do not dig the plant material out, that is not a service we provide.

We then put you on a monthly management program. Our management services are once a month to keep invasive vegetation controlled. A lot can grow in 30 days. Therefore, We only offer year-round monthly management services. Price is based on cost of chemical used, not time spent on your site. (cost of chemical fluctuates, therefore our service estimates are only good for 30 days).

If several plant species are present at the time of treatment, and require multiple chemicals, we will treat all vegetation on the same day if it is safe. Otherwise, we focus on the most aggressive plant at the time of service. Some chemicals need to be applied within days/weeks of each other, while other chemicals may be affected by weather (rain, sunlight, temperature). Also, some treatments are most effective when applied during certain stages of a plants life cycle. Due to all these varying conditions, we are unable to set up scheduled days or times for treatments.

Even if you do not choose us for your maintenance, you should stay on top of any new growth by identifying the plant, and using the appropriate control method. Know that “chopping” up the plant will only spread possible new growth, and pulling certain plants can actually promote growth. Conversely, there is no single chemical that will treat all vegetation, and because most chemicals can’t be mixed, you should focus on controlling the most invasive plant first. It only takes one seed or small piece of a root to be carried in by weather or wildlife to introduce a new species to your area. Combined with our warm waters, and excessive use of fertilizers, a new plant can become an infestation in days.